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Single-Channel digital video, colour,

Sound, 1: 09 :11

Sun Loungers, Parasol, Aluminium foil

Villa Lauried am Lüssiweg 19 Zug

4. May – 30. June 2018

Curated by Jacqueline Falk

This video was made on the CMA CGM Georgia cargo ship during my voyage from Genoa to Newark.  In the video, the time dimension is strongly accentuated and it is perceived as a disturbance element, in fact, the video is composed of a single one-hour-long scene in which the only movement is given by the flow of water and the slow and progressive displacement of shadows reflected on the containers. Although the video was shot at sunset, the sunset is not visible but only perceivable. The romantic connotation usually attributed to the sunset, in the video is totally annihilated by the deafening background noise produced by the cargo ship engines and the foreground view of bulky containers.

Photo: Stills

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